Code of Conduct


Blind Tiger Improv is a non-equity, non-union theater company, and due to its small size and organizational structure does not qualify under EEOC standards. However, inspired by the Chicago Theater Standards, we believe that it is necessary to hold ourselves accountable and to create a Code of Conduct outlining what is acceptable behavior. Our Code of Conduct applies to everyone participating in Blind Tiger events in any capacity: this includes students, performers, teachers, directors, and volunteers.

We understand that, due to the unscripted nature of improv, productions can veer into unsafe territory if there are no procedures for prevention, communication, and when necessary, response. We believe that having pathways for response to unsafe conditions and harassment help to maintain the integrity of the work, its participants, and the organization. To that end, we are instituting an anonymous reporting form, accessible at the bottom of this page.

Due to the anonymous nature of the report, we cannot follow up with complaints directly. However, we can promise that each report will be taken with the utmost seriousness, be met with an investigation, and steps will be taken to prevent such an occurrence from happening again.

In the event of civil or criminal misconduct or liability, these standards are not a replacement for legal advice or action, nor does it stand in stead of any local, state or federal law. A violation of civil rights can be reported to the NY Attorney General’s office.


• Both on-stage and off, performers, directors, students, and teachers are expected to treat tech support, hosts, fellow performers and students, audience, and the playing space in accordance with the Code of Conduct. Help welcome everybody into the larger improv community.

• Respect physical boundaries and don’t do anything physically dangerous to yourself or your scene partner. Do not hit, shove, lift, tackle, or otherwise place others in the way of physical harm.

• Respect sexual boundaries, on and off stage. Do not grope, simulate sex, touch sexual areas, or be otherwise sexually aggressive toward others.

• Respect the space you are in and don’t do anything to damage it. Do not punch walls or doors, throw chairs, or place yourself in a physically dangerous position.

• Ensure that you have consent before engaging physically with your classmates or fellow performers.

• Create and maintain a harassment-free environment. Harassment includes but is not limited to unwelcome sexual attention, deliberate intimidation, inappropriate physical contact, offensive comments relating to race, gender, religion, or identity, and advocation or encouragement of any of the above behaviors.

• Participants in classes, shows, or rehearsals are expected to arrive ready to work. This means showing up on time, sober, and dressed properly for movement. Those who are late, drunk or inebriated, or dressed inappropriately may be denied the ability to participate.

• Be each other’s advocates; Help everybody have fun and engage in the joy of improv in a safe, supportive atmosphere.

Anyone who is abusive, bullying or harassing, or otherwise violating any of the terms of the CoC may be asked to leave our venues and may be barred from returning and performing again.